Thursday, July 11, 2013

Easy Money Ideas

  1. Easy Money Ideas

  1. Burn copies of all your CDs and DVDs, then sell the originals. Nice collections can be sold individually for a price that you think is fair, but if you want to compete with online media downloads, sell everything else for a few dollars apiece..
  2. 2
    Raid your house for items you no longer need. Put all the cheap items in a yard sale and advertise it with signs around the neighborhood and a post on the free classifieds or on Craigslist. Sell anything worth more than a few dollars individually on Amazon, Craigslist, or, a smartphone app that allows you to show your sale items to other people in the area.
  3. 3
    Sell stock photos. Stock photos are simple, somewhat nondescript images that people can use for a fee in the articles, brochures, presentations, etc. They don’t earn much apiece, but if you upload a nice little collection, the sales can really add up – especially since photos can be sold over and over. Best of all, it doesn’t get much easier than clicking off a few decent shots, uploading them, and waiting.
  4. 4
    Sell your hair. If your hair is over 10 inches (25cm) long and untreated, you can sell it for hundreds of dollars; really long hair that is minimally washed can fetch thousands, especially if the color is unusual.
  5. 5
    Sell plasma. Plasma is a component of blood and the process of donating it is similar to giving blood. Though you can’t technically sell plasma, you will be compensated for your time to the tune of $20 to $45, depending on the location. Your body regenerates plasma after the donation, meaning you can repeat this process regularly (check local donation centers’ regulations for rules on frequency). If you haven't been to the doctor in a while, going through the pre-screen is also good way to get a free health checkup.[1]
  6. 6
    Sell sperm. Sperm samples can sell for between $40 and $100 apiece. Though the application process is lengthy and only about 5% of applicants meet the criteria,[2] once you’re accepted, you have a great outlet for making pocket money whenever necessary.
  7. 7
    Sell things you find outside. You’d be amazed what people with no access to the outdoors will pay for things like dried pinecones, manzanita or curly-willow branches, vines, Chinese lanterns, driftwood, cattails, and other interesting or unusually shaped plants. Search some craft sites to see what people are looking for and the next time you prune, let everything dry out in your garage for a month before selling it online.

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